A look at what's at stake if the MP becomes the next Prime Minister of Canada.
Disclaimer: Me criticizing Poilievre doesn't mean I like Trudeau. I can and will criticize everyone as no one is above criticism, especially those in positions of power. Are things good right now? Not really. But could they be worse? Definitely.
The self-described "true conservative" from Calgary, Alberta, also considered a libertarian and populist by others, has served as a member of Parliament (MP) since 2004, elected at just 25-years old. He currently represents the Ontario riding of Carleton, formerly Nepean-Carleton, which is on the outskirts of Ottawa. Since September of 2022, he has served as the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the leader of the Official Opposition.
In Poilievre's words, he is dedicated to "fighting out-of-control deficit spending and tax increases" (while ignoring the millions the "freedom" convoy cost Ottawa). However, he seems to spend most of his time:
Advocating for the right of "free speech" for people who are actually spreading hate speech
Talking over Indigenous peoples
Making life harder for Canadians struggling with inflation
Fighting evidence-informed harm reduction strategies
Encouraging misinformation and denying science
Vilifying the media and attacking individual journalists
Criticizing Trudeau without his own solutions (his solution to inflation? cryptocurrency!)
Ignoring the shit show that is the healthcare system in this country (or pointing to this as an issue for the provinces to solve) and only talking about it to say that he wouldn't be able to increasing funding to fix it as PM because "Trudeau spent it all"
When something is a priority, you find the money, and what's more important than healthcare?
The “Freedom” Convoy
You're against vaccine mandates? Couldn't be me, but sure, you have the right to protest. But that's not what this was. Even if we ignored the overtly racist nature that the convoy became, many of the leaders also have racist and extremist views. For example, various leaders and associated groups have links to QAnon (antisemitic far-right conspiracy group), Action 4 Canada (Islamophobic and anti-LGBTQ hate and conspiracy group), Soldiers of Odin (neo-Nazi vigilante group), No More Lockdowns (science deniers), and so on. Yet Pierre continues to express how proud he is of those involved, and was cheering them on just 5 days before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, which the Public Order Emergency Commission's final report determined met the threshold to do so.
One group that Pierre actually did directly condemn was Diagolon, a racist and antisemitic ring-wing extremist group, but only after their leader made it personal and joked about sexually assaulting Pierre's wife. So that's where the line is I guess - when it affects him.
All I'm saying is that if I attended a party in which even one person had a swastika tattoo, that's not a party I'd be staying at. I don't care if it was my best friend's birthday, we cannot have tolerance for intolerance (it may be a good time for you to look up the paradox of intolerance if this sounds bigoted in any way to you).
There's also a difference between complaining about an inconvenience versus touting this inconvenience as "oppression," while promoting misinformation with no basis in evidence.
Pierre’s Pals
Endorsed by Alex Jones, far-right conspiracy theorist (which showcases his antisemitism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny ableism, etc), platforms white nationalists, helped fund January 6th insurrection, science denier/spreader of misinformation
Fights for Jordan Peterson's "right to free speech," a disgustingly misogynistic, racist, transphobic, and homophobic dude spreading misinformation and hate speech
Endorsed by Stephen Harper, whose track record when it comes to Indigenous peoples is...not great to say the least ("but he apologized!!" doesn't mean anything without corresponding actions - he literally refused to commit to the TRC calls to action)
Appears to support Danielle "unvaxxed people are the most discriminated against group I've ever witnessed in my lifetime" Smith (Alberta premier), who has engaged in residential school denialism, repeatedly lied about her ancestry, endorsed harmful conspiracy theories, anti-harm reduction, anti-carbon tax, etc
Endorsed by Brett Wilson, who has a history of racism and consistently spreads misinformation; there was even a petition created that he be removed from the Order of Canada advisory council "for his continued un-democratic and un-civil comments inciting violence against Canadians and undermining democratic institutions in our country"
Protecting “Free Speech”
It seems that conservatives consistently and dangerously conflate their right to free speech with the right to spread hate speech without consequences.
It is true that freedom of expression is a constitutional right in Canada. But like all constitutional rights, it is subject to reasonable limits. Accordingly, the government prohibits hate speech and discriminatory speech as they have decided these to be reasonable limits on freedom of expression.
Yet, Poilievre continues to state his "concern" for free speech being stifled for people like Jordan Peterson. Because apparently he deserves the right to incite hate towards marginalized peoples. That seems to be about #1 on Poilievre's agenda.
And so, Poilievre has stated his intent to repeal Bill C-11 and the successor to Bill C-36. Bill C-11 sets out a revised broadcasting policy for Canada, which includes an expanded list of things the Canadian broadcasting system “should” do. For example, “serving the needs and interests of all Canadians — including Canadians from racialized communities and Canadians of diverse ethnocultural backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, abilities and disabilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and ages.” And that's not something Pierre likes the sound of?
In his own words, Poilievre believes that "freedom is critical for this country and has pressed the government to commit to ending its politicized and divisive response." He says that we should be focused on coming together rather than division to stop hate. But you don't stop hate by becoming friends with Nazis and you can't fight racism by ignoring it. There nothing divisive about calling out hatred, but refusing to acknowledge that we all have unconscious biases that intentionally or not, cause us to do or think harmful things, is.
Anyhow, when has any politician who emphasizes the need for "freedom" advocate for anything other than the freedom for cishet white men to do whatever the hell they please? |
Impact on Indigenous Peoples
Back in 2008, Poilievre was criticized for saying that former residential school students need a stronger work ethic, not more compensation dollars, and that chiefs had too much power. Yikes. His apology did not take long.
Flash forward to January 2023, and Poilievre is criticized again for giving a speech to the Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP), a group criticized for residential school denial, among other things. A spokesperson for Poilievre said that the appearance doesn't mean he endorses their views, but why associate with them then? Of course he also responded by saying, "What about all the other racist shit everyone else has ever done?" to deflect, which is to be expected from him at this point.
However, he did use this opportunity to talk about his 'different approach' to reconciliation to give First Nations' more control of their lives. One of those ways involves revisiting the Indian Act, which he calls a racist disaster (which it is), but it is unclear if he means to completely abolish it or not. Harold Cardinal describes why this act on its own would be concerning:
"We do not want the Indian Act retained because it is a good piece of legislation. It isn’t. It is discriminatory from start to finish. But it is a level in our hands and an embarrassment to the government, as it should be. No just society and no society with even pretensions to being just an long tolerate such a piece of legislation, but we would rather continue to live in bondage under the inequitable Indian Act than surrender our sacred rights."
On his trip to Timmins just days before the FCPP speech, he couldn't even be bothered to meet with any local Indigenous leaders. How can he be trusted to do this right without collaborating with the very people this would affect? Poilievre may be less paternalistic than previous Conservatives (which isn't hard to do), but even Saskatchewan chief Darcy Bear, who has been featured on Poilievre's social media, has stated that many of their views are not consistent and thus will not be endorsing him.
Against Harm Reduction
As many politicians do, Poilievre severely misunderstands the importance of evidence-informed harm reduction strategies, and thus cannot contribute to a productive conversation on the topic. Or he just doesn't care about people who use drugs. Either way, his approach is just as harmful.
Harm reduction involves helping people use drugs in safer ways to prevent unwanted complications, like accidental overdoses and acquiring blood-borne diseases. It is a client-centered approach acknowledging that saving lives is more important than stopping drug use.
In spite of this, Poilievre has said that Alberta’s "recovery-oriented" model of care is the direction that he would take as Prime Minister. What this actually means is supporting abstinence-only recovery, and rejecting evidence-informed harm reduction strategies encouraged by public health experts, like supervised injection sites and safe supply. Increasing accessibility to treatment sounds good in theory, but these programs ignore reality when they require abstinence. If "Just Say No" worked in the 1980s, we wouldn't still be talking about this. We must shift the current approach of criminalization to a public health perspective.
In addition to consistently criticizing safer supply programs, Poilievre called Vancouver 'hell on earth' after B.C. became the first province to remove criminal penalties for small amounts of illicit drugs. But what does Poilievre think happens when people are arrested and put in jail? It increases stigma, adds to trauma, makes care even more difficult to access, makes employment and housing more difficult to acquire, and so on. Criminalization of drug use is not based in evidence, drugs are always going to be more dangerous when they go unregulated.
Personally, I always find it interesting that those against harm reduction don't complain about people attending bars to consume alcohol, which very much has the potential to kill people as well.
Poilievre may acknowledge the existence of global warming, but that helps no one when at the same time:
He frequently aligns himself with climate change deniers spreading misinformation
He has made it clear that he would cancel the federal carbon tax, while not presenting any sort of climate plan of his own to meet targets in reducing carbon-related emissions
His only response to those asking about his plan is 'technology' and that as usual, he would leave it up to provinces to decide how to proceed
Hey Pierre, you can't run for a position and then give away all of your responsibilities!
Furthermore, Poilievre supports Danielle Smith's opposition to Canada's 'Just Transition,' federal legislation intending to help Canadians adapt to the global shift towards renewable energy. Poilievre and Smith perceive this to actually be about 'Ottawa's anti-oil-and-gas agenda.'
Would jobs be affected by the transition away from fossil fuels? Of course. But part of the 'just transition' is about supporting these workers and creating new jobs, while also hopefully improving the working conditions and wages of people already doing low-carbon work.
Should Canadians be wary of how the government proceeds with this? Of course. But can we allow our policy to ignore the existence of climate change and what that means for the future of Canadians? No.
Recent Votes
Some of the recent bills Pierre has voted for/against include:
Feb. 13, 2023: Voted in support of the House reminding the government that it is solely up to the provinces to decide on the use of the notwithstanding clause (so much for "state as servant"/freedom!)
Feb. 8, 2023: Voted against Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness (Bill C-293)
Feb. 8, 2023: Voted against Act respecting the development of a national strategy to assess, prevent and address environmental racism and to advance environmental justice (Bill C-226)
Feb. 8, 2023: Sponsored motion to immediately cancel the carbon tax
Dec. 7, 2022: Voted against Act respecting the building of a green economy in the Prairies (Bill C-235)
Oct. 27, 2022: Voted against Act respecting cost of living relief measures related to dental care and rental housing (Bill C-31)
June 15, 2022: Voted against Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-5), which identified evidence-based diversion measures for people who use drugs beyond criminalization
June 1, 2022: Voted against Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to enact the Expungement of Certain Drug-related Convictions Act and the National Strategy on Substance Use Act / Health-based Approach to Substance Use Act (Bill C-216)
March 24, 2022: Voted in support of motion that the government to immediately lift all federal vaccine mandates
March 22, 2022: Voted against motion outlining measures to help Canadians with the cost of living by acknowledging record profits large corporations have made over the course of the pandemic, proposing a 3% surtax on banks and insurance companies on profit over $1 billion, which should be expanded to profitable big oil companies and big-box stores
If it wasn't clear, he does not care about you. His voting record does not reflect what he claims to support. He cares about inflation? Then what is going on with his votes on March 22 and October 27? A politician lying? Wild.
Further Discussion
Believe it or not, this was me trying to be brief. A few important items not discussed in depth:
Unclear stance on LGBTQ+ issues and being pro-choice/"life"
Claims his stances have changed since opposing same-sex marriage in 2005 and supporting pro-"life" bills in 2010, but why trust him?
Usage of YouTube tag targeting misogynistic groups
Attack on Canada's first Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia, Amira Elghawaby, for "anti-Quebec" remarks after she criticized a blatantly Islamophobic bill, demanding that she be removed from the position
If he's implying that being "pro-Quebec" means being pro-Islamophobia, then I guess I'm anti-Quebec too
Adamant opposition of the World Economic Forum (WEF), an international organization bringing leaders together to discuss issues impacting the global economy
In recent years, "criticism" of the WEF has morphed into an antisemitic conspiracy theory, which posits that its "Great Reset" initiative, an effort to reduce global inequality, is actually a tool used by elites to reorganize society and institute a global, totalitarian regime in which Jews are accused of being the orchestrators
We can't be sure Pierre knows this, but if he truly was an ally to Jewish people, he would be knowledgeable on how antisemitism works and condemn this ideology
Ant-gun control and registries, claims they don’t work (aka ignoring reality)
Dressing up as Sir John A. Macdonald and touting his achievements without acknowledging his role in establishing residential schools
Poilievre can scream that Canada's broken all he wants, but he doesn't have any of the solutions, nor does he care enough to try to solve them. He cares about attacking Trudeau and fighting for the rights of bigots to spew hate, that's about it.
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