General Tips for Safer Drug Use
Avoid mixing different types of substances
Check your substances if possible
Don't use alone
Don't share supplies
Don't drive or operate machinery when using drugs that cause acute cognitive impairment (ie alcohol)
Recognize the signs of overdose and how to respond/when to call for help
Start low and go slow - tolerance differs by person and over time
REMINDER: If the law is preventing you from calling for help, keep in mind that the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act provides some legal protection for individuals who seek emergency help during an overdose, like charges for possession of a controlled substance. |
Before Using Drugs
Have a plan. This may mean having a designated driver or creating a safety plan with someone you trust in case you feel unwell.
Don't use alone. Try to use at a supervised consumption site or with someone you trust. If this is not possible, use an app like The Brave App to stay safe so that help can be called if necessary.
Eat and hydrate. This is important to avoid dehydration.
Injection Tips
Rotate injection sites
Use a new needle every time
If you need to reuse syringes, wash with cold water, bleach and then water again
Sanitize your hands
Wipe your site with an alcohol swab and let it dry
Drink lots of water
Seek out medical help if you have a site that has become inflamed, sore, and/or filled with pus
Before drinking, be aware of interactions between alcohol and other prescription or non-prescription drugs you have taken or plan to take
Don't mix alcohol with other depressants
Have a designated driver
Set limits and stick to them
Eat before and while drinking
Keep an eye on your drink if you are out
Have one non-alcoholic drink for every alcoholic drink and have no more than 2 drinks in any 3 hours
Our brains are still developing until age 25, which makes use before then to be of a higher risk
Low THC products (high ratio of CBD to THC) tend to be less risky
Vape or consume edibles instead of smoking, which is the most harmful way to use cannabis
When consuming edibles, wait 2 hours before redosing as the effects may not be felt yet
If smoking, don't hold your breath or inhale deeply
Don't drive or operate machinery while high
Try not to use alone but if you do, use something like The Brave App so that help can be called if necessary
Get your drugs tested to check for tainted supply (ie fentanyl, benzodiazepines, or xylazine)
Carry a naloxone kit and know how to use it + teach others around you how to use it
Do not use with benzodiazepines - since they are both central nervous system depressants, the risk of overdose is increased; they both cause sedation and suppress breathing
Don’t mix with alcohol, MAOIs (type of prescription antidepressants), DXM (cough suppressor found in cold medicines), codeine or other opiates, or Ritonivar (a medication used in HIV treatment)
If you are dancing, take breaks and cool off
A major factor in many ecstasy-related harms is the dehydration and overheating that can result when ecstasy is taken in conjunction with all-night dancing
To avoid dehydration, drink lots of water and consume electrolytes (salty snacks, fruit juice, and sports drinks)
Drinking plenty of water is crucial to prevent dehydration
Ensure you are eating enough proper foods
Heavy periods of use (binges) can lead to sleep depravation and associated paranoia and delusions - if using, take breaks and do your best to get some sleep
If you are using with other people, have your own personal needle or pipe to use, and sterilize them before using them
Drug Policy Alliance. (n.d.). What are harm reduction strategies for meth use? Retrieved from
Government of Canada (2018). Is cannabis safe to use? Facts for young adults aged 18–25 years. Retrieved from
Government of Canada. (2021). About the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act. Retrieved from
Harm Reduction International. (2019). Harm reduction for stimulant use. Retrieved from
Harm Reduction TO. (n.d.). MDMA. Retrieved from
Makanda, F. (2021). Students develop harm reduction toolkit for U of T community. Retrieved from
National Harm Reduction Coalition. (2020). Safe(r) drug use 101. Retrieved from
National Institute on Drug Abuse (2022). Benzodiazepines and opioids. Retrieved from,addition%20to%20impairing%20cognitive%20functions.
Oxford SU. (n.d.) Harm reduction: LSD. Retrieved from